
Maryland State Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met April 2.

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Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met April 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Attendees (in person): Marty Baker, Eric Brenner, Jeff Dunckel, Chris Eatough, Heather Ersts, Steve Green, Jack Guarneri, John Hartline, Greg Hinchliffe, Jack Keene, Peter Moe, Jon Morrison, Oluseyi Olugbenle, Erin Penniston, Jon Posner, Nacole Smith, Eileen Sparling, Tom Sullivan, Jim Titus, John Wetmore

Attendees (on conference call): Tres Denk, Nate Evans, Daniel Paschall, Kevin Racine, John Wilson

I. Welcome/Introductions/Approval of Minutes

Eric Brenner, Chair of MBPAC, opened the meeting and welcomed attendees. He asked for any corrections to the January Meeting Minutes and received none and the minutes were approved.

II. Legislative Session – Jon Morrison, MBPAC Member

Jon Morrison provided an update on bills that are likely to pass and bills that did not.


• HB535/SB407: Transportation – Complete Streets Program – Establishment

http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?id=hb0535&stab=01&pid=billp age&tab=subject3&ys=2018RS

Bill seeks to establish a Complete Streets Program at the local jurisdiction level that would require the Governor to annually appropriate at least $1,000,000 in funding for the Program; specifying the requirement for a local government to be designated as a certified jurisdiction.

• HB744/SB850: Complete Streets Policy


Bill seeks to provide information for MDOT Transportation Business Units (SHA, MVA, MTA and MAA) to adopt a complete streets policy.

Both Complete Street bills have crossed the Senate and House with amendments and are likely to pass.

Did not Pass:

• House Bill (HB) 1099: Injury of Death of Vulnerable Individual

http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?id=hb1099&stab=01&pid=billpa ge&tab=subject3&ys=2018RS

HB1099 seeks to prohibit a person from causing the serious physical injury of a vulnerable individual and seeks to establish penalties such as fines, required courses, and community service hours.

• HB140: Public Safety – Emergency Medical Services – Bicycle Response Unit

(http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?id=hb0140&stab=01&pid=billp age&tab=subject3&ys=2018RS

HB140 authorizes a county or municipality to establish, by local law, an emergency medical response unit that travels by bicycle to assist with emergencies within the boundaries of the county or municipality

• HB222: Cross-filled with Senate Bill (SB)268: Overtaking and Passing Bicycles, Farm Equipment, Farm Tractors, and Animal-Drawn Vehicles

http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?id=HB0222&stab=01&pid=billpa ge&tab=subject3&ys=2018RS - Hearings are February 6th in the House and February 8th in the Senate. HB222 authorizes the driver of a vehicle to drive on the left side of the roadway in a no-passing zone to overtake and pass a bicycle, farm equipment, a farm tractor, or an animal-drawn vehicle in accordance with a certain provision of law.

• HB285: Department of Transportation – Bike/Ped Access to Public School Study

http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?id=HB0285&stab=01&pid=billpa ge&tab=subject3&ys=2018RS HB285 would require the Department of Transportation to study pedestrian and bicycle access to public schools in the State and make recommendations for addressing the safety concerns identified in the study; requiring the Department to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before January 1, 2020

• HB959 Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons

Unfavorable report because portions of the bill already exist.

A question was raised regarding the Amazon bill and its’ affect on transportation projects. Marty explained that the details of the bill are still being finalized.

Eric Brenner suggested for attendees to check the Bike Maryland website for additional details. The latest legislative update can be found here: https://www.bikemaryland.org/legislative- session-update-2/.

III. Department of Health (Overview/Bike-Ped Efforts) – Erin Penniston, Deputy Director, Center for Cancer Prevention and Control

Erin Penniston provided an overview of the Maryland Department of Health’s (MDH) organizational structure, vision, mission, and responsibilities. The MDH oversees pubic health services, including duties ranging from monitoring food safety, disease prevention programs, health screenings, to physical activity promotion.

Erin noted that walking is the official exercise in Maryland. The MDH holds major events such as Walk Maryland Day (to be held on Wednesday, October 10th) and administers grant programs that support walking initiatives. She expressed concern that data shows the need for increased physical activity in Maryland and shared Call to Action goals for improve walking in Maryland.

John Wetmore made an announcement for Call to Action Initiatives on the Perils for Pedestrians website here: www.pedestrians.org.

Eileen Sparling and Nacole Smith provided details on the 1422 Grant Program, State Ambassador Program, Walkshops, and the Be Active Conference.

Several members raised questions regarding the State’s support of local health departments. Eileen confirmed that the purpose of these grants is to support local health departments like Charles County.

Eric Brenner mentioned the Prince George’s Free Program, which meets every week on trails to promote physical activity and walking. He emphasized the importance of connecting local and county walk efforts, especially with the elderly populations. Marty Bake suggested having AARP partner with the DOH given their interest in physical activity and their recent support at the MBPAC October Roundtable last autumn.

See Erin Penniston’s PowerPoint presentation here: http://www.mdot.maryland.gov/newMDOT/Planning/Bike_Walk/Documents/MBPAC/4_6_1 8_Pres1.pdf

IV. Department of Education (Overview/Bike-Ped Efforts) – Chris Hersl, Educational Specialist, Maryland State Department of Education

Chris Hersl provided an overview of the Maryland Department of Education, described the five parts of the Physical Education Program, and described the differences and challenges of regional, local and state education programs.

Chris Hersl encouraged MBPAC members to look out for senate and house bills related to education and ways to support physical education programs. He expressed continued interest in garnering support with legislators and building partnerships with the DOH and Walk MD Day.

Chris answered questions about Board of Education (BOE) appointments. He noted that Board of Education is appointed by the Governor only. Former Governor O’Malley chose not to appoint members, so Governor Hogan selected a majority of BOE appointments.

See Chris Hersl’s PowerPoint presentation here: http://www.mdot.maryland.gov/newMDOT/Planning/Bike_Walk/Documents/MBPAC/4_6_18_ Pres2.pdf

V. National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA)– Jon Posner, Co-Founder and League Director, Maryland Interscholastic Cycling League

Jon Posner presented on NICA, a youth development organization of over 15,000 student- athletes, 6,000 coaches and 10,000 volunteers. Several MBPAC members expressed interest in supporting the Association and attending NICA events. Jon Posner answered several questions regarding elevation requirements and trail types. He stated that there is no elevation requirement and that the program starts with beginner skills such as getting on/off a bike, braking, turning, etc.

See Jon Posner’s PowerPoint presentation here: http://www.mdot.maryland.gov/newMDOT/Planning/Bike_Walk/Documents/MBPAC/4_6_1 8_Pres3.pdf

VI. Bicycle and Pedestrian efforts in Howard County – Chris Eatough, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Howard County Office of Transportation

Chris updated members on current bike/pedestrian efforts in the County. As the first bicycle and pedestrian coordinator, Chis championed the Bike Howard Master Plan and Walk Howard Plan to generate biking and walking throughout Howard County. He introduced Jack Guarneri, President of Bicycling Advocates of Howard County, who also stressed the importance of bike- ped coordinators and a well-developed bike-ped plan. He spoke on the County’s efforts to reduce the number of fatalities along Route 1 including identifying hot spots, types of crashes, creating recommendations, adding infrastructure, including the importance of having events that demonstrate how roads can be repurposed to protect vulnerable users.

See the PowerPoint presentation here: http://www.mdot.maryland.gov/newMDOT/Planning/Bike_Walk/Documents/MBPAC/HC%20 presentation%20to%20MBPAC.pdf

VII. 2019 Bike-Ped Plan/State Agency Updates

Marty Baker provided an update on the Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan efforts including the March 28th Planning Workshop. The workshop included three major planning stations: 1) Goals, 2) needs and opportunities, and 3) existing conditions. Marty reported that the feedback received was helpful and encouraged MBPAC members to check the website for updates. She provided handouts on regional bicycle and pedestrian trends and accomplishments, and the needs and opportunities list generated from stakeholder feedback. She also distributed flyers for the next public meeting to be held on June 7th in Prince George’s County Sports Complex from 6 – 8PM.

The same content from the Planning Workshop will be presented on a webinar on April 19th. Members are encouraged to provide comment via the survey link here: https://tinyurl.com/BPMP-Survey.

VIII. Other State Agency Updates

Jeff announced that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) applications deadline passed. He also mentioned that Tom Gianni is retiring in April.

Heather Ersts reminded members to post images of great areas traveled in the State. The Maryland Office of Tourism needs and wants the help of the MBPAC community to share their photos and experiences when they are out on the road or trails. Please use hashtags: #visitmaryland and #MDinFocus on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

IX. Upcoming Events/Dates/Locations for the next meeting

Eric Brenner shared the remaining MBPAC dates of the year. The MBPAC theme for 2018 is Strong Partnerships Around the State of Maryland.

a. MBPAC 2018 Meetings:

• August 10, 2018 – Police Enforcement and Data Collection

• November 9, 2018 – Planning Efforts in the State

b. Save the Dates:

• Bike to Work Day – May 18, 2018
