
Maryland State Wire

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Maryland Stadium Authority Board met June 6.

Webp meet

Maryland Stadium Authority Board met June 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

Chairman Kelso called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm



Chairman Kelso asked for a motion to consider the May 1, 2018 open and closed meeting minutes.

Motion to Consider: Ms. Riddick

Second: Mr. Mangum


Discussion: None

Motion to Approve: Mr. Mangum

Second: Ms. Riddick



Camden Yards Sports Complex

Presentation by Mr. Hutson-

Electricity Procurement - Reverse Auction Result Approval

*Mr. Attman joined the meeting during this presentation.

**Mr. Smith joined the meeting during this presentation.

MSA entered into a Delegation of Authority Agreement with DGS on August 1, 2017, which authorized DGS to purchase electricity on behalf of MSA. This Agreement expires June 30, 2018. After a review of the electricity purchasing strategy, MSA determined it is in their best interest to directly purchase electricity through a supplier.

MSA’s Board approved a contract on March 6, 2018 with Noresco to provide energy procurement and consulting services for Camden Yards Sports Complex (CYSC). Noresco worked with MSA to develop an RFP for electricity procurement that would occur through a reverse auction. Noresco provided indicative pricing in the range of $0.06/kwh. MSA’s average supply rate in 2017 was $0.07664. For every $0.01 saved MSA saves approximately $300,000.

Noresco managed the reverse auction with oversight from MSA on June 6, 2018. Based on the results of the auction, which preceded the Board meeting, the Board was asked to vote to enter into an agreement with the WGL. The term of the agreement is 3 years and the cost per kwh is $0.05687 which will be 100% renewable energy. Based upon a comparison to the average supply rate in 2017, the new contract rate will result in estimated savings to MSA of $1.8 million during the term of the agreement.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Mangum

Second: Mr. Bryce


Discussion: The reverse auction process was briefly reiterated for this meeting.

Mr. Bryce disclosed that his firm does work for Exelon.

Ms. Riddick disclosed that until approximately one and a half years earlier she did consulting work for WGL Energy.

Motion to Approve: Mr. Bryce

Second: Mr. Mangum


Presentation by Mr. Hutson-

Consulting and Design Services for Parking Lot Gate Controls

Mr. Hutson recommended a contract with O&S Associates Inc. for $81,700 to provide consulting and design services for the parking lot gate controls at CYSC. The contract provides for a survey and report on existing conditions, followed by the design and construction administration of new parking lot controls. The procurement process was highlighted.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Bryce

Second: Mr. Mangum


Discussion: None

Motion to Approve: Mr. Bryce

Second: Ms. Riddick


Presentation by Mr. Hutson-

On-Call Waterproofing and Restoration Consulting Services

Mr. Hutson recommended a contract with Building Envelope Consultants and Scientists, LLC to provide on-call waterproofing and restoration consulting as needed for any MSA facility or project. This is a three-year contract with two one-year options. An overview of the services to be provided and the procurement process were reviewed for the Board.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Mangum


Discussion: None

Motion to Approve: Mr. Attman

Second: Ms. Riddick


Presentation by Mr. Samoryk and Mr. Provenzano-

Sprinkler System Maintenance and Testing - 2nd Renewal

Mr. Samoryk recommended a contract renewal for $65,000 for the second and final one-year option with Red Hawk Fire and Security to provide sprinkler system maintenance and testing for CYSC.

Mr. Provenzano advised the Board that as the facility ages, the repairs increase as pipe sections fail due to normal deterioration. The gentlemen anticipate the contract amount to be sufficient to cover costs for this final contract year.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Mangum


Discussion: None

Motion to Approve: Mr. Bryce

Second: Ms. Riddick


Presentation by Mr. Provenzano-

High Rise Window and Glass Cleaning and Ancillary Services

Mr. Provenzano recommended a contract for $322,575 to City Wide of Central Maryland to provide high rise window and glass cleaning and ancillary services for CYSC. The proposed term is for three years, with two 0ne-year options. Two lower bids and the higher bid of the incumbent contractor were withdrawn or eliminated due to noncompliance with MBE requirements and / or bid errors.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Smith

Second: Ms. Riddick


Discussion: Reasons for the bid eliminations were explained to the Board. Pursuant to State law, MSA is required to establish MBE goals where a State-certified pool of available MBE contractors is available to perform the type of work under a given procurement. If the solicitation therefore has an MBE goal, MSA is required to reject bids that do not demonstrate either a good-faith intent to meet the established goal and/or a proper basis for a request for application of a waiver from the goal.

Motion to Approve: Mr. Bryce

Second: Mr. Attman


Presentation by Mr. Samoryk-

Caulking and Expansion Joint Replacements

Mr. Samoryk recommended a contract for $124,635 to Colossal Contractors Inc. for on-call caulking and joint expansion services for CYSC. The term is two years and CCI is the low bid. This is a time and material contract for repairs and replacement of caulking and expansion joints. The procurement process was highlighted.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Smith


Discussion: The bid amounts were based on hourly rates multiplied by estimated hours of service. The authorization in the not-to-exceed amount of $450,000 is based on MSA’s past two-year experience and anticipates the needs of the two-year contract term.

Motion to Approve: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Mangum


M&T Bank Stadium:

Presentation made by Mr. Samoryk-

Supply and Maintenance of Portable Toilet

Mr. Samoryk recommended a contract for $255,337.95 to KP Enterprises LLC t/a Flush Away to provide portable toilets at M&T Bank Stadium for football game and other seating bowl events. KP Enterprises was the lowest bid. The term is for three years with 2 one-year renewal options.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Mangum

Second: Mr. Bryce


Discussion: The portable toilets are for use in parking lot areas. Bidding was reserved for qualified small business contractors. Methodology for determining the correct number of units was discussed and it was noted that the figure has tripled in recent years.

Motion to Approve: Mr. Bryce

Second: Ms. Riddick


Baltimore City Public Schools

Presentation By Ms. Perez-Fowler-

Testing and Inspection Services

Arlington Elementary School

Ms. Perez-Fowler recommended a contract in the not-to-exceed amount for $113,240.50 with Froehling & Robertson Inc. for testing and inspection services. The procurement process was reviewed.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Mangum


Discussion: None

Motion to Approve: Mr. Bryce

Second: Mr. Attman


Presentation by Ms. Perez-Fowler

Swing Space Renovation Services

Bay-Brook Elementary/Middle School

Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary School (Grove Park Elementary School)

John Ruhrah Elementary/Middle School (Baltimore Community High School)

Ms. Perez-Fowler made the following recommendations for swing space renovation contract approvals:

Bay Brook - Tito Contractors Inc. - $175,324

Rodwell - Centennial Contractor Enterprises Inc. - $126,783

John Ruhrah - Tito Contractors Inc. - $263,967

The procurement process for each project was outlined for the Board.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Mangum


Discussion: The selection method for participants in this bid pool was reviewed.

Motion to Approve: Mr. Bryce

Second: Ms. Riddick


Maryland Stadium Authority:

Presentation by Mr. Tyler-

Hagerstown Minor League Baseball Ballpark MOU

Mr. Tyler recommended an MOU between the Mayor and City Council of Hagerstown and MSA to prepare a market study and site assessment study related to a proposed new MiLB ballpark. The cost of the study is $36,000 and will be fully funded by the City. MSA would collect and distribute all funds.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Attman

Second: Ms. Riddick


Discussion: The City will proceed by executing the MOU and transfer of dedicated funding to MSA. This is a low cost study because MSA consultants, Crossroads, conducts business with many MiLB associates and already has much of the data needed for this study.

Mr. Bryce disclosed that the Washington County Coalition is a client of his firm and Hagerstown is a member of the Coalition.

Motion to Approve: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Bryce


Presentation by Mr. Tyler-

Baltimore City Circuit Court - Phase 2

Mr. Tyler recommended a Phase 2 study to identify potential alternate use options for the Circuit Court complex if the Court elects to relocate operations from their current location.

Phase 2 follows a previous study for the Court, as outlined in a proposal letter on May 8, 2018. Phase 2 Study is estimated to cost $40,460. The Court had already paid funds to MSA that went unused for the phase 1 study.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Mangum


Discussion: Mr. Tyler clarified for the Board that the Court had remitted adequate funds to MSA in 2016 to cover the cost of the current phase 2 study.

Motion to Approve: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Mangum


Presentation by Mr. Raith-

Warehouse Lease Amendment - Exit 10 Advertising LLC

Mr. Raith outlined and recommended the terms of a negotiated amendment of the 10-year lease of Exit 10 Advertising, LLC. He explained that the amendment was negotiated to accommodate Exit 10’s reorganization process (which involves downsizing), while retaining them as a Warehouse tenant.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Attman

Second: Ms. Riddick


Discussion: None

Motion to Approve: Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Mangum


Presentation by Mr. Frenz:

Navy - Notre Dame Football Game - MSA Contribution

Mr. Frenz recommended a $300,000 contribution to the Ravens in support of the 2022 Navy - Notre Dame Football Game at M&T Bank Stadium. He shared net revenue projections of as much as $500,000 to MSA based on game pro forma, along with projected economic benefits to the State which could total $4.9 million. The report included data from the 2014 Navy-Ohio State University football game.

Motion to Consider: Mr. Mr. Attman

Second: Mr. Smith


Discussion: Under similar circumstances and conditions, a Navy-Notre Dame game would attract a larger fan base than Navy-OSU. The contribution is also intended to encourage the Ravens to continue to bring non-football events to the stadium, which have the likelihood of generating significant positive economic impact for the State.

The contribution is also intended to encourage future positive economic impacts with the Ravens continued use of M&T Stadium for non-football activities.

Second: Ms. Riddick

Mr. Bryce recused himself from voting and did not participate in the discussion. Voting to approve: Ms. Riddick, Messrs. Attman, Mangum, Smith, Kelso


Executive Director’s Report-

Mr. Frenz reported on the Geppi Entertainment Museum which moved from Camden Station on Sunday. Much of the museum collections will go to the Library of Congress where items will likely generate more public interest and have greater exposure. Prior to signing a new tenant, he suggested working more closely with the Orioles to study a campus-wide plan to improve game day attendance and encourage a 365-day experience. The method could be similar to the Pimlico Phase 2 Study.

Mr. Frenz reported that M&T Bank Stadium Phase 2 ongoing renovations are progressing well. On July 10, the Board will tour the stadium, where Mr. Kelso has agreed to hold the Board meeting. MTBS was lit in red in support of the Washington Capitals winning the Stanley Cup.

Blood Horse magazine interviewed Chairman Kelso and Mr. Smith for an article related to the MSA Pimlico Race Course study and the track’s future in Baltimore. The Preakness, along with interest in the ongoing study, brought increased media attention to Pimlico in May.

A search to fill the position of Human Resource Director is being conducted following the death of Rodger Dorsey. From the advertising so far, MSA has received 103 applications/resumes with 55 meeting the minimum qualifications.

An invitation will be extended to the Department of Commerce for a presentation at a future Board meeting. In turn, MSA will attend a Commerce First Monday meeting. This idea for information sharing was contained in the December 2017 Joint Chairmen’s Report.

Reporting on other upcoming meetings, Mr. Frenz covered several items. The Attorney General’s office offers briefings on the legislative process. MSA has scheduled a briefing in late June to become more informed about the legislative process. MSA will again participate in the summer MACo Conference and has reserved booths with Maryland Sports. Governor Hogan will host a cabinet meeting in Baltimore next week with some scheduled Project CORE site visits.

Mr. Frenz concluded his report with congratulations to Mr. Hasseltine and his team for their continued work toward a United Bid 2026 World Cup award. MSA anxiously awaits next week’s announcement on North America’s continuation in the process. He also expressed his appreciation of event manager Jana Brooks, for a successful and productive IAVM/GSA (Green Sports Alliance) event with approximately 80 participants at MTBS.

Security Report-

Mr. Conaway briefed the Board on a July 31, tabletop exercise on security to be held at MTBS. This will be open to Board participation and more information will follow. He shared the good news that there is nothing significant to report with security at CYSC. The threat level has not changed and MSA has had no credible threats.

Report of Small Procurements and Change Orders-

Mr. Samoryk reported on four items:

CYSC - AE Design Consulting Services for Renovation of Pedestrian Spine (modified)

Brown Craig Turner - $10,000.

CYSC - Composting Pilot Program

ReGreen Organic, LLC - not-to-exceed $47,500.

MTBS - Sound System Replacement

AVI SPL dba Signal Perfection Ltd - $24,528.92.

OPCY - Risk Assessment of Voltage Distribution Systems

Graybar Electric Company - not-to-exceed $$11,025.

Baltimore City Public Schools and C.O.R.E. Update-

Mr. McGuigan updated the Directors on the progress of the BCPS construction and renovations.

Four schools are open, five will open in 2019, six will open in 2020, and eight in 2021. The Board will be notified on the schedule of 2018 school openings planned for this summer.

On Project CORE, Mr. McGuigan reported MSA’s receipt of 338 notices to proceed (NTPs) with demolition-related work. That number includes 247 demolition contracts for individual (residential) properties, 90 properties where hazmat surveys are being performed, and one RFP to be issued for a warehouse demolition. He further reported the completion of 192 house demolitions, of which 172 have been turned over to the City. Environmental notices to proceed (ENTP) have been awarded with work to commence in the near future.

Leasing Report-

Mr. Raith reported on one late payment during the month of May and on meetings with two tenants, as well as a tour with a realtor for a potential tenant. He briefed the Board on an upcoming walk-through at Camden Station.

Financial Report-

Mr. Raith provided April’s statement of revenues and expenditures for MSA Consolidated, Camden Yards, and BCPS Construction. It was pointed out that only seventy percent of the current budget has been spent during the first ten months of the fiscal year.

Maryland Sports Update & Media Report-

Mr. Hasseltine provided an update on the 2026 United Bid Committee (World Cup) next steps informing the Board of the FIFA June 13, decision in Moscow, Russia. He will notify the Board of the decision when it is released.

A Fair Hill briefing was provided on the 4 Star/5 Star event planning. Committee structures are being formulated for 2020. BPW approved $1 million with a requirement of additional private matching funds in the same amount.

Mr. Hasseltine reported that MSA was mentioned in global print and social media 841 times between May 1 and May 31. Ninety-eight percent of mentions came from global print. Of these results, the top sources were The Baltimore Sun, Capital Gazette, AP, Carroll County Times and CBS Baltimore. The topics covered were the Preakness Stakes, Pimlico Race Course, The Baltimore Orioles, Fair Hill and Laurel Park. Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) for the global press and social media of MSA comes to $4,210,266, which is $4,054,770 more than last month. In addition to the AVE, the estimated potential audience reach for May is 455,159,560 viewers, which is 438,349,261 more than last month.

Having no other business to discuss, Chairman Kelso asked for a motion to adjourn at 4:32 pm.

Motion to Adjourn: Mr. Smith

Second: Mr. Attman





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