
Maryland State Wire

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Allegany County Board of Legislators met July 9.

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Allegany County Board of Legislators met July 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order: The regular meeting of the Board of Legislators, which was held at the Allegany County Fairgrounds, was called to order at 2:11 p.m. by Chairman Curtis W. Crandall.

Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by former United States Army Specialist Fourth Class John “Skip” Hecker, with the flag being presented by Angelica Boy Scout Troop 736 represented by Austin Ford, Noah Ford, Jacob Bliss, BW Davis, and Jacob White.

Invocation: The Invocation was given by Legislator Philip G. Stockin.

Roll Call: 15 Legislators Present: Gary Barnes, Janice Burdick, Curtis Crandall, Philip Curran, David Decker, William Dibble, Dwight Fanton, Karl Graves, Brooke Harris, Steven Havey, Dwight “Mike” Healy, Judith Hopkins, John Ricci, Debra Root, Philip Stockin

Chairman Crandall welcomed everyone to the 10th annual meeting held at the Allegany County Fair. He introduced Clerk of the Board Brenda Rigby Riehle, Journal Clerk Sarah Decker, County Administrator Tim Boyde, and County Attorney Carissa Knapp, who were seated at the dais. Additionally, he acknowledged Senator Catharine Young, Assemblyman Joseph Giglio, Alison Hunt (representing Congressman Tom Reed), and Lori Cornell (representing Governor Andrew Cuomo), who were in attendance. Chairman Crandall introduced elected County officials who were in attendance which included Sheriff Rick Whitney and Treasurer Terri Ross.

Approval Of Minutes:

The Board meeting minutes of July 9, 2018, were approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried.

The Committee of the Whole meeting minutes of July 9, 2018, were approved on a motion made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Graves, and carried.

Privilege Of The Floor:

Chairman Crandall presented a certificate to John “Skip” Hecker, former United States Army Specialist Fourth Class, in grateful appreciation of his service to our country. Mr. Hecker’s service dates were from December 7, 1965, to October 2, 1967. Following Basic Training at Fort Hood, TX, and Advanced Training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO, assignments included: Fort Eustis, VA; Fort George G. Meade, MD; and Bien Hoa, Vietnam. Chairman Crandall shared information about the Bien Hoa Air Base, including a terrible disaster there for the United States Air Force in 1965. This area was a front line take off area for our efforts in Vietnam during the Vietnam War era. Mr. Hecker received the following commendations for his service: National Defense Service Medal, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Marksmanship (Rifle M-14) Medal, and Good Conduct Medal. Mr. Hecker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at the beginning of the meeting as part of the Veterans’ Honorary Pledge of Allegiance Program.

Chairman Crandall invited Allegany County Fair President Karen L. Tripp forward to present a certificate to her in recognition of the Fair Board’s dedication in planning and putting together the Fair each year. It takes many people to do this each year. Mrs. Tripp thanked Chairman Crandall for the support from the Board of Legislators. She thanked the Board for coming and hoped they would take time to enjoy the Fair.

Allegany County Sheriff Rick Whitney and Sergeant Andrew Bigelow were invited forward. Chairman Crandall commended Sergeant Bigelow for his quick actions in spotting and reporting a fire on the fairgrounds near the horse barns. His actions helped to divert a fire which could have caused a great deal of damage had he not acted so quickly.

Chairman Crandall presented George and Dawn Santangelo with a certificate to honor them for their years of dedication to the Allegany County Fair. They are lifelong participants and have encouraged their family members to participate as well. They have exhibited their own beef cattle and have volunteered with the Cuba Gold Diggers 4-H Club. Mr. & Mrs. Santangelo have actively contributed to the care and maintenance of buildings around the fairgrounds. The 2018 Allegany County Fair has been dedicated to Mr. & Mrs. Santangelo. Chairman Crandall thanked them for their years of dedication. Senator Young also thanked them and presented them with a certificate.

Chairman Crandall presented certificates to members of Angelica Boy Scout Troop

736. Austin Ford, Noah Ford, Jacob Bliss, DW Davis, and Jacob White were recognized for their participation.

Chairman Crandall presented 4-H Member Clifton Erway with a certificate for being named the 2018 4-H Honoree of the Year and read the following statement:

“4-H is an innovator in developing youth leadership and decision-making skills, preparing young people for the future. This National Youth Development Program focuses upon 4 main areas of programming which include STEM, Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems, Civic Engagement and Healthy Living. Clifton Erway has been a member of the Elm Valley Harvesters 4-H Club and Furry Friends Rabbit and Cavy 4-H Club since the age of 5. His lengthy tenure in the 4-H program has lead him into many interesting projects and activities which represent these 4 program areas. His love for rabbits and cavies (those are guinea pigs for anyone who doesn’t know) is seen through his showing of his rabbits and cavies at the Allegany County and New York State Fairs every year since he was 8. His participation in the NYS Fair Rabbit Science Decathlon ranked him both 1st and 2nd place! His love for agriculture and sustainable food systems is also seen through his showing of poultry and goats. Clifton’s interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math is seen in his many projects in the youth building including woodworking, arts and crafts, wood burning, and gardening. He even volunteers his time to assist with fixing the rabbit barn at the fairgrounds, painting stalls, and repairing pens. Clifton clearly stands out as a young leader in 4-H through his Civic Engagement and Community Service. He rings the bell for the Salvation Army, buys Christmas gifts for the Salvation Army tree, helps run canned food drives for the Alfred and Almond Food Pantries, donates items to the Allegany County SPCA, and sells paper clovers for 4-H at Tractor Supply. Lastly, Clifton has been a very active team leader in both 4-H clubs. When most people thinking of characterizing Healthy Living, we think of eating a balanced diet or being physically active. What we often don’t think of is the emotional well-being that results from helping others. Clifton is always willing to give a hand to other members who need help with their 4-H projects. He acts as a mentor to younger 4- Hers through teaching the ins and outs of showmanship for rabbits, goats, and poultry. He also volunteers his time visiting nursing homes and donating to the Hart Comfort House. We are very proud to honor Clifton as our 2018 4-Her of the Year. He will surely have a positive impact upon his community and friends as he moves forward, attending the University of Northwestern Ohio for automotive/power sports in November. Congratulations Clifton!”

The following elected representatives spoke at the meeting:

Senator Catharine Young stated that she is always thrilled to be in Allegany County, especially at the Allegany County Fair. She recounted that last year when she was driving to the Fair her cell phone was going crazy with warnings that she was driving directly into a tornado. She decided she better not attempt to continue driving any further. She remembered Chairman Crandall telling her that the Board was going to ride out the storm. She congratulated the Board for its tenth year of holding the meeting at the fairgrounds. Senator Young thanked Skip Hecker for his service to our country and said that it’s not surprising that someone who served his country so valiantly would also serve his community. (Mr. Hecker has been a member of the Angelica Fire Company for 52 years.) She said it’s touching to speak with Vietnam era veterans. They didn’t always get the welcome home that they deserved. Senator Young also thanked Sergeant Bigelow for his actions in response to a fire on the fairgrounds. She thanked the Santangelos for all they’ve done in support of the Fair. Senator Young congratulated Clifton Erway for being named 4-Her of the Year and shared her own experience of participating in 4-H during her youth. Senator Young went on to say that when she’s traveling, people from outside of New York often assume she’s from Manhattan. She said, People don’t realize that New York State has over 7 million acres of farmland. New York State has some of the best farms and farmers. When we think about the Fair, we think about agriculture, our heritage, and our history. At the State level they are working hard to boost agriculture, and she believes it’s the number one industry we have in New York State. This year through the State budget, $54.4 million is being invested in agriculture related programs. It’s important to continue to invest in agriculture. The more we invest in agriculture, the more we’re investing in our local economy. She is proud of all of the accomplishments in Allegany County. She remarked that events such as the Fair attract people to the area. It’s because of the hard work of so many people that the Fair is the excellent venue that it is.

Assemblyman Joseph Giglio remarked that he stayed through the tornado at last year’s meeting. He stated that sometimes those in government get a little removed from home. We get to work in government because you send us, you choose us. I don’t thank you enough for the opportunity to do that. Being here makes me realize why I do this. We want to do good. I want to thank you for giving me that opportunity. He stated that he tends to get emotional about Vietnam veterans. They didn’t get the welcome home that they deserved. He shared that he lost his brother, who was a Vietnam veteran, last year. It’s nice to see them being recognized after all of these years.

Alison Hunt spoke on behalf of Congressman Tom Reed. She said that although Congressman Reed wasn’t able to attend the meeting, he will be in Allegany County tomorrow for the Manufacturing Summit being held in Alfred. She stated that they are proud of Allegany County. There are nearly 200 manufacturers coming for the Summit. We are going to keep fighting to bring business here and to keep businesses here that have been here for years. She stated that they want to be a voice for Allegany County residents. They’re here to listen and fight for us and they want to continue to talk to us so we can let them know what the issues are.

Lori Cornell spoke on behalf of Governor Andrew Cuomo. This setting here at the Fair has got to be one of the most beautiful in New York State. Thank you to all who make this such a great event. Congratulations to the award recipients today. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Governor. The Governor believes the 4-H Program is quality youth programing. The agricultural industry remains one of the top industries in New York State. Every week my counterparts and I compile a list of top events across the State and one of those is the wonderful 43rd Annual Wellsville Balloon Rally. Thank you again. It’s a pleasure to be here. Enjoy the rest of the Fair.

Acknowledgments, Communications, Reports, Etc.:

1. August Calendar

2. Allegany County Shared Services Plan prepared by CGR

3. Reminder that the Allegany County Senior Picnic will be held on Wednesday, August 8, at the Fairgrounds in Angelica.


Chairman Curtis W. Crandall appointed Charles O. Jessup as an At-Large member of The Allegany County Comprehensive Planning BOARD for the remainder of a two-year term effective immediately and expiring December 31, 2018.

Chairman Curtis W. Crandall reappointed Philip B. Curran, Dwight R. Fanton, and Brent L. Reynolds as members of the Allegany County Telecommunications Development Corporation for a two-year term effective October 1, 2018, and expiring September 30, 2020, subject to confirmation by the Board of Legislators.


Resolution No. 138-18

Reappointment Of Harold (Bobby) Budinger As Personnel Officer Offered by: Personnel Committee Pursuant to Civil Service Law § 15


1. That Harold (Bobby) Budinger is appointed as Personnel Officer for a six-year term commencing August 14, 2018, and expiring August 13, 2024.

Moved by: Mr. Havey Adopted: Voice Vote

Seconded by: Mr. Harris

Resolution No. 139-18

Amendment Of Resolution No. 90-18 To Extend The Termination Date Of The Newly Created Position Of Accountant

Offered by: Human Services Committee

Whereas, Resolution No. 90-18 created a full-time Accountant position within the Allegany County Office for the Aging, and

Whereas, the position was created for the time period of June 18, 2018, through July 30, 2018, to train a new employee before the incumbent retires, and

Whereas, there is a need to extend the training time frame until September 30, 2018, now, therefore, be it:


1. That paragraph “2.” of Resolution No. 90-18 is amended to indicate the position of Accountant within the Office for the Aging shall commence June 18, 2018, and terminate September 30, 2018.

Resolution No. 140-18

Madison Street Bridge Replacement, Bin 2255160; Authorizing The Implementation And Funding In The First Instance Of 100 Percent Of The Federal-Aid And State “Marchiselli” Program-Aid Eligible Costs Of A Transportation Federal-Aid Project; Appropriating Funds Therefor

Offered by: Public Works and Ways & Means Committees

Whereas, a Project for the Bridge Replacement (BIN 2255160) Madison Street over Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad in the Town of Wellsville, Allegany County, P.I.N. 6755.18 (the Project) is eligible for funding under Title 23 U. S. Code, as amended, that calls for the apportionment of the costs of such program to be borne at the ratio of 80 percent Federal funds and 20 percent non-federal funds, and

Whereas, the County of Allegany desires to advance the Project by making a commitment of 100 percent of the non-federal share of the costs of Bridge Replacement (BIN 2255160) on Madison Street in the Town of Wellsville, Allegany County, PIN 6755.18, now, therefore, be it


1. That the Allegany County Board of Legislators hereby approves the above subject project.

2. That this Board hereby authorizes the County of Allegany to pay in the first instance 100 percent of the federal and non-federal share of the cost of Design and Right-of-Way Incidentals work for the Project or portions thereof.

3. That the sum of $384,000 is appropriated from Capital Project Account No. H5965.200 and made available to cover the cost of participation in the above phase of the Project.

4. That in the event the full federal and non-federal share costs of the project exceeds the amount appropriated above, the Allegany County Board of Legislators shall convene as soon as possible to appropriate said excess amount immediately upon the notification by the New York State Department of Transportation thereof.

5. That the Chairman of the Allegany County Board of Legislators be and is hereby authorized to execute all necessary Agreements, certifications or reimbursement requests for Federal Aid and/or Marchiselli Aid on behalf of the County of Allegany with the New York State Department of Transportation in connection with the advancement or approval of the Project and providing for the administration of the Project and the municipality’s first instance funding of project costs and permanent funding of the local share of federal-aid and state-aid eligible Project costs and all Project costs within appropriations therefor that are not so eligible.

6. That a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the New York State Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement in connection with the Project.

7. That this resolution shall take effect immediately.

Moved by: Mr. Fanton Adopted: Roll Call

Seconded by: Mr. Ricci 15 Ayes, 0 Noes, 0 Absent

Resolution No. 141-18

Establishing A Capital Project Account For Replacement Of Madison Street Bridge Over Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad In The Town Of Wellsville, (Bin 2255160), (Pin 6755.18); Appropriating Federal And State Aid For Capital Project

Offered by: Public Works and Ways & Means Committees


1. A Capital Project Account is established within the Capital Fund for the bridge replacement on Madison Street in the Town of Wellsville.

2. That the following adjustments shall be made to the 2018 budget:

Appropriation Amount

H5965.200 Wellsville, Madison Street Bridge $384,000

Funding From: Amount

H5965.4097.00 Federal Aid – 80 percent $307,200

H5965.3097.00 State Aid Marchiselli Aid – 15 percent 57,600

H5965.2300.00 Town Revenue 2,880

H5935.200 (transfer from) Angelica, CR43 Bridge 16,320


Moved by: Mr. Fanton Adopted: Roll Call

Seconded by: Mr. Dibble 15 Ayes, 0 Noes, 0 Absent

Resolution No. 142-18

Budget Adjustment Transfers From Contingency Fund To Cover Contracts And Expenses Approved By Committees Of Jurisdiction

Offered By: Ways & Means Committee


1. That the transfer of $193,400 from Account No. A1990.429 (Contingency) is approved as follows:

To: Expense: Amount:

A1011.429 (Co Adm Contractual) CGR Contract for Shared Service Plan $85,000

A3175.474 (Raise the Age Contractual) Treahy Contract for RTA Consortium

(Approved by Resolution No. 97 – 18) 100,000

A1910.406 (Unallocated Insurance) Richardson & Stout – Cyber Security

(Approved by Resolution No. 134 – 18) 8,400

Total: $193,400

Moved by: Mr. Stockin Adopted: Roll Call

Seconded by: Mr. Fanton 15 Ayes, 0 Noes, 0 Absent

Resolution No. 143-18

Acceptance And Appropriation Of Additional Funds Received From State And Federal Grants For Community Services For The Elderly (Cse – A6776) And The Medicare Improvements For Patients And Providers Act (Mippa) To Office For The Aging Accounts

Offered by: Human Services and Ways & Means Committees


1. The sum of $4,339 in Community Services for the Elderly (CSE – A6776) funds is accepted and appropriated as follows:

Appropriation Accounts Amount

A6776.402 (CSE – Mileage) $ 4,339

Revenue Account

A6776.3772.00 (CSE - Transportation) $ 4,339

2. The sum of $3,262 in Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers ACT (MIPPA) funds is accepted and appropriated as follows:

Appropriation Accounts Amount

A6774.101 (MIPPA – Regular Pay) $ 2,313

A6774.402 (MIPPA – Mileage) 504

A6774.802 (MIPPA – Retirement) 231

A6774.803 (MIPPA – FICA) 177

A6774.804 (MIPPA – Workers Comp) 37 $ 3,262

Revenue Account Amount

A6774.4772.00 (MIPPA) $ 3,262

Moved by: Mr. Stockin Adopted: Roll Call

Seconded by: Mr. Fanton 14 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent

Resolution No. 144-18

Transfer Of Funds Within Health Department Accounts

Offered by: Human Services and Ways & Means Committees


1. That the transfer of $14,358 within Health Department accounts is approved as follows:

From: Amount:

A4010.206 County Health – Equipment $2,500

A4010.408 County Health – General Supplies 2,000

A4050.206 Water Quality Management – Equipment 7,858

A4050.408 Water Quality Management – General Supplies 2,000

Total: $14,358


A4025.206 Water Lab – Accel – Equipment $6,358

A4025.408 Water Lab – Accel – General Supplies 4,000

A4025.409 Water Lab – Accel – Fees 4,000

Total: $14,358

Moved by: Mrs. Hopkins Adopted: Roll Call

Seconded by: Mrs. Burdick 15 Ayes, 0 Noes, 0 Absent

Resolution No. 145-18

Approval Of Agreement With Labella Associates, D.P.C., To Conduct The Environmental Monitoring Program At The County Landfill

Offered By: Public Works Committee


1. That the agreement with LaBella Associates, D.P.C., to conduct the environmental monitoring program at the County Landfill for an annual fee of $66,100, for a three-year term commencing January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2021, with the option to extend for two additional one–year terms upon mutual consent, is approved.

2. That the Chairman of this Board is authorized to execute the agreement.

Moved by: Mr. Fanton Adopted: Roll Call

Seconded by: Mr. Ricci 15 Ayes, 0 Noes, 0 Absent

Resolution No. 146-18

Approval Of Agreement Between The Allegany County Department Of Health And Junction Concepts

Offered by: Human Services Committee


1. That the agreement with Junction Concepts, to provide software as a service for the Allegany County Department of Health water lab for a fee of $3,983, is approved.

2. That the Public Health Director is authorized to execute said Agreement.

Moved by: Mrs. Hopkins Adopted: Roll Call

Seconded by: Mrs. Burdick 15 Ayes, 0 Noes, 0 Absent


A motion was made by Legislator Stockin, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried, that the audits be acted upon collectively and by totals.

A motion was made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Stockin, and adopted on a roll call vote of 15 Ayes, 0 Noes, 0 Absent, that the audit of claims, totaling $2,839,040.73 including prepaid expenses, be approved for payment as recommended by the County Administrator. (Allegany County’s Local Dollar Share of the NYS Medicaid Program paid year-to-date is $5,332,387.)


Chairman Crandall asked the media in attendance if they had any questions for the Board. There being no questions, Chairman Crandall thanked everyone for coming.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:21 p.m. on a motion made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Decker, and carried.




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