Cleveland Clinic reports that pheromones are a vital component of reproduction. | Toa Heftiba/Unsplash
Cleveland Clinic reports that pheromones are a vital component of reproduction. | Toa Heftiba/Unsplash
Though Valentine’s Day has come and gone, who “nose” what can help someone find a potential mate? According to a recent report by the Cleveland Clinic, an individual’s sense of smell just may play a crucial role in physical and sexual attraction.
Ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Michael Benninger told the Cleveland Clinic not only does the olfactory system trigger memory, but the nose plays a critical part when paired with the olfactory system in an individual’s perception of sex.
“It’s amazing how many of our body functions are directed toward sexual activity and reproduction,” Benninger told the Cleveland Clinic.
Among other impacts, a loss of smell may correlate with a decreased sex drive.
“That characteristic smell of a person’s perfume, cologne or the scent of their shampoo or soap is important to sexual arousal,” the Cleveland clinic states. “The smell of human perspiration also has a direct effect on sexual receptors in the brain.”
Related to the olfactory system, the vomeronasal organ (VNO) is located at the base of the nasal septum in the roof of the mouth.
“In humans, the VNO is largely vestigial or nonfunctional, acting as an old remnant like your appendix," Benninger told the Cleveland Clinic. "But some researchers believe that it still plays a role in pheromone and other chemical communication."
Though the impact of pheromones has been widely debated, the report states these are important to reproduction in animals as well as human sexuality and stimulation.
To make sure your nose is smelling properly, take this Sinus Self-Assessment Quiz.