Maryland Department of Transportation | Official Website
Maryland Department of Transportation | Official Website
The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) has unveiled its draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), a document that outlines federally funded highway and transit projects planned for the next four years. The public is invited to provide feedback on the draft until April 4, 2025.
"These transportation projects are essential to better connect communities, improve the quality of life for all Marylanders and drive the economic vitality of the State," said Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul J. Wiedefeld. "It’s critical that we receive input from the public to help us refine and update those investments with our local and regional partners and ensure Maryland’s transportation system is efficient and accessible for all Marylanders."
The draft STIP is available online at It includes a comprehensive list of state, local, and regional surface transportation projects that receive federal funding. These projects are detailed in MDOT's six-year budget, known as the Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP), as well as in each of Maryland’s six regional metropolitan planning organizations' Transportation Improvement Programs.
Federal regulations require an update to the STIP every four years; however, MDOT typically develops a new STIP approximately every two years. The last update occurred in 2022.
Public comments can be submitted via email to or by sending a letter addressed to STIP Comments, Office of Planning, Programming and Project Delivery, Maryland Department of Transportation, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland 21076. This marks the final phase for public comments on the Fiscal Year 2025 STIP before it is submitted to the U.S. Department of Transportation for approval.
Information from this article can be found here.