State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights met May 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Call to Order:
1.Meeting called to order at 10:05am.
Approval of Minutes:
1. Motion to approve April, 2018, minutes by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Vice Chairperson Norman, motion carries unanimously.
April, 2018 minutes approved
Chairperson’s Report:
1.Reviewed meeting agenda.
Executive Director’s Report:
1. MCCR had an opportunity to join Maryland State Police for a training for law enforcement agency representatives on hate/bias incident reporting the first week of May. MCCR has been asked to remain a part of the program as it continues on.
2. MCCR partnered with the Maryland Association of Human Rights Agencies to host on May 7 in Howard County a presentation by Dr. Joy De’Gruy titled “Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome”.
Deputy Director’s Report:
1. Reviewed submitted written report.
2. Actively recruiting and interviewing to fill vacant Civil Rights Officer II position in the Case Processing Department.
Assistant Director’s Report:
1. Reviewed submitted written report.
2. In addition to the investigative Civil Rights Officer II position, MCCR will be recruiting to fill a similar position in Education & Outreach Unit.
General Counsel’s Report:
1.Reviewed submitted written report.
New Business:
1. Executive Director provided update, originally given in at September 2017 Commissioner Retreat, on 2014-2019 Strategic Plan.
Good & Welfare
1. Motion to adjourn by Vice Chairperson Norman, seconded by Commissioner Marwick, motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.